Wednesday, September 16, 2015

HYDRATION || Why is it so important?

We all know that water is vital to our survival, however many of us are unaware of just how important H2O is - for weightloss, energy, concentration, digestion….the list goes on!

In terms of your body’s overall composition, water makes up around 22% of your bones, 83% of your blood and nearly 90% of your lungs. If this isn’t already reason enough to head to the sink and fill up your glass, the following statistics will highlight just how essential water is for our health, both physically and mentally.

Let’s start off from a physical health perspective. It is no secret that your muscles play an important role in maintaining & improving general fitness, as the main function of the muscular system is movement. What some of us may not be aware of is the fact that our muscles are composed of 75% water. Whether your daily life is fairly sedentary (a conversation for another time!!) or you are a professional athlete, the fact is - muscles are made primarily of water. Of course the more physical activity you do, the more water you need to consume, but in order to simply MOVE – today and for the rest of your life, you need to be drinking enough H2O. If you are exercising on a regular basis, water becomes even more essential, as dehydration can prevent muscles from properly contracting. When you aren’t drinking enough water & your muscles lack fluids, they become fatigued. This then means you won't be able to perform as well during your workouts. Increasing your water intake BEFORE and AFTER you exercise will help prevent muscle cramping, improve the strength of muscle contractions and quicken muscle response. All of these benefits will contribute to increase in your fitness and a more speedy recovery time!!

Moving on to the role of water for your health from a mental perspective, let me start off by saying this:
The brain is also composed of 75% water. This means that your mood, your concentration span, your energy levels, your memory, your decision making, your coping mechanisms, your productivity, your resilience, your learning skills and so much more…..are ALL greatly affected by your water intake (or lack of!). When you feel tired, foggy, forgetful, unmotivated, grumpy etc. etc.  – this may be because your brain is simply dehydrated. Ensuring that you drink enough water can drastically improve these symptoms or quite often completely eradicate them!

I could write a novel on the benefits & significance of getting enough water on a daily basis, but hopefully by now the message is simple – DRINK WATER and STAY HYDRATED.

Water will keep you feeling full in between meals, help you to stay energised & productive throughout the day and fuel your body & your brain with the energy that it needs.

Drink at least 2 Litres (approx. 8 glasses) of water per day - more if you are exercising - and I promise you it will contribute considerably to a healthier, happier mind and body!


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